

The Palisades School District recognizes that student wellness and proper nutrition are related to students’ physical well-being growth, development, and readiness to learn. We are committed to providing a school environment that promotes student wellness, proper nutrition, nutrition education, and regular physical activity as part of the total learning experience.

Student Wellness Goals:

Nutrition Education-teach, encourage, support healthy eating by students. Nutrition education shall provide all students with the knowledge and skills needed to lead healthy lives. Provide resources, wall of wellness, cafeteria signage, healthy eating, to include nutritional label understanding, the importance of the five meal components that make a complete meal.

Physical Activity-Age-appropriate physical activity opportunities shall be provided to meet the needs and interests of all students, in addition to planned physical education. Maintain a physical and social environment that encourages safe and enjoyable activity for all students.

Physical Education-provide a physical education program consistent with the curriculum regulations. Track student progress on Health, Safety, and Physical Education academic standards.

Other School Based Activities- ensure an enriching environment through providing outdoor classrooms, gardening and composting. Provide after school non-competitive activities, including swimming, bowling, roller skating, cooking classes.

The building principal and/or assistant principal will continue to monitor programs to ensure commitment to student wellness. Each building has a Wellness committee. The Building Wellness committee will consist of students, physical education teachers, parents, cafeteria staff, guidance counselors, school nurse, building principal, and/or assistant principal.

The Building Wellness Committee:
1. Will make suggestions for enhancements, improvements in specific areas, pertaining to student wellness.
2. Plan activities and programs to promote nutrition and physical activity, or education.
3. Evaluate the food service program by reviewing foods and beverages.
4. Make recommendations for policy and/or program revisions.
5. Receive feedback from building staff, students, parents, and community members.
6. Assist in conducting a building Wellness Assessment.
Through the district comprehensive plan, the District Wellness committee will be comprised of a School Board member, district administrator, district food service representative, students, parents, physical education teachers, nurses, and others chosen by the board. The district Wellness committee shall be managed through the Comprehensive Planning process.

The District Wellness Committee:
1. Shall provide periodic review and updates to the Superintendent regarding of its work.
2. Participate and assist in conducting, the building Wellness assessments.
3. Modify or update the district Wellness policy as needed.
4. Work with building Principals, and Building Wellness committees as needed for clarity, support and involvement to ensure building goals are met.

Wellness Committee Participation:
If you are interested in participating on a Building Wellness Committee, or wish to attend the next Wellness meeting, please contact Gerry Giarratana at [email protected] or call extension 5002. Building Wellness committees can meet monthly or quarterly, and are scheduled through each individual building. The meetings may be scheduled before, during or after the school day. Your participation is greatly valued and appreciated.
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