Internet Safety

Welcome Parents!

Are you concerned about what your child is doing online? Are you worried about their safety online?

In these days you simply cannot be too careful, especially when it comes to being safe on the Internet. It is important that you understand the risks of Internet use and how to keep your child safe in cyberspace.

Links to Explore

The FBI takes cybersafety seriously. Check out their parent guide:

Common Sense Media also has plenty of resources for keeping your kids safe in a digital age. Check out their amazing website:

Social Networking

This  PowerPoint  is designed to help parents understand Social Networking. It gives some suggestions of steps that you can take to help keep your child safe online.


The National Crime Prevention Center's definition of cyber-bullying is "when the Internet, cell phones or other devices are used to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person."
Here is our school district policy on cyber-bullying.

Parent Monitoring Software

There is software that you can purchase that will let you know everything that your child does online. Do an online search for the options available. Many of these work across multiple devices and give parents high control over what their child does and sees on line.

Simple suggestions to get you started:

1. You can keep the computer in a "public" place in the home (family room, kitchen)
2. You can insist on knowing all passwords
3. You can be informed about what your child is doing online
4. You can require your child to “friend” you on all social networking sites
5. You can set privacy controls on social network sites
6. You can limit their time online.

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