Tinicum Elementary

The Mission of the Parent Teacher Association:
A powerful voice for all children,
A relevant resource for families and communities, and
A strong advocate for the education and well-being of every child.
2023-2024 Officers:
President-Jessica Tarby
Vice President-Kelly Scott
Treasurer-Carla Bryan
Secretary-Tara Ewer
Contact any of the above officers with your
Questions, Comments, or Suggestions at
[email protected]
Meeting Times: First Wednesday of the Month
NOTE: This organization operates independently from the Palisades School District. The Palisades School District does not monitor these pages and is not responsible for the content therein. Questions regarding the content of this page should be directed to the President of this organization.
Volunteer Clearances: Are needed for all volunteers, for more information and forms visit https://www.palisadessd.org//site/Default.aspx?PageID=4756